

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hhhm where to begin

And thank you for looking at my blog today.

Hhhmm where to begin.
. I stressed my self out so much about what to post first, before i realized, i need to just jump in. Eventually i will be able to blog, my style, just bare with me as i figure out what that style is.
So real quick, a bit about me to get us started, 
I recently turned 31 years old(....blink blink... that's rough to read in black and white). I am a mother of 2 young humans, awesome  7 yr old daughter Lily, and awesome 9 year old son Connor. 
Also in my family are, my fiance,( we shall call him cowboy to protect him from all the stories i plan to tell lol)
 my Beefy man of a black cat Charlie, his Brother Lucky, Cowboy's cat Cletus who moved in when he did, and Izaboe, who moved in last May, by walking in to the back yard and never leaving, and lastly Buffy! Our new and 1st puppy, who is just 7 weeks old.
(Yes, the math reveals there are more pets than people, leave your judgment in the junk folder)
 I work full time as an office manager for a property management company ( snooze) for going on...13 years now... but i live onsite, which is both a nightmare and a blessing, allowing me to multitask during my work day.
I have a scatter of interests including-
Cooking cleaning crafting DIY faeries shoes comics wil wheaton nerdy books nerdy movies L.A.R.P.ING couponing camping cats, and my puppy Buffy. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, as well as all things Joss Whedon
comicon! Nerdy TV sleeping staying up when i should be sleeping candles good smells making something new from something old reading writing i hate arithmetic doing random things that are there to be done on  the weekends saving money playing with my kids learning new things home making painting writing the Lord sculpting baking dr who boots ( i love boots, my closet hates them) brownies thrift stores farmers markets feastivals ren fairs binge marathoning TV shows on netflix.
(Deep breath)
Also less fun things like anxiety money trouble  man troubles crazy family troubles cornucopia of health troubles and some bad luck.
All of the above leads me to believe that we will have plenty to talk about!
Also, a big interest of mine is......
So we have met at just the right time, from now till New years Day I hope you will join me as my family and myself enjoy the holidays Mia Mama Style.
Thanks for readin'

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